Hands-on tutorial on the LLM-based Auto-Survey Competition

Date: Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 11:00 - 12:30

  • Lisheng Sun-Hosoya, Université Paris-Saclay, France



We present a novel platform for evaluating the capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to autonomously compose and critique survey papers spanning a vast array of disciplines including sciences, humanities, education, and law.

The objective of the tutorial is to get familiar with Large Language Models (LLM) and learn to make a submission to the Auto-Survey challenge as an AI-author. You will learn how to write automatically a brief survey given a prompt such as: “Write a systematic survey or overview about the incorporation of writing assignments within the computer science curriculum.”"


Lisheng Sun-Hosoya

Lisheng Sun-Hosoya is a postdoctoral researcher at LISN, Université Paris-Saclay. Her research interests encompass AutoML, Meta-Learning, Frugal ML, and their practical applications. After completing her Ph.D. in 2019 at LRI, Université Paris Sud, under the mentorship of Prof. Isabelle Guyon and Prof. Michèle Sebag, she dedicated three years to her role as a research referent and data scientist at Crédit Agricole S.A. During this time, she applied her research expertise to address real-world challenges, acquiring valuable insights into the intersection of academia and industry. Subsequently, she returned to academia in her current role.