Last Edited : Jun 16, 2023

We invite submissions to the journal track of the AutoML. This provides the opportunity for the community to present their recently published top-tier journal papers on AutoML topics (see main track for a list of topics) and increase their visibility.

Submission Guidelines

In contrast to the main track, there will not be any deep review of the content. To be admissible to the journal track, the following conditions have to be met:

  1. The paper has to be in scope for AutoML (see the main track for a list of possible topics).
  2. The paper (or a prior version of it) has not been presented at a conference before and is also not already slated to be presented at another conference.
  3. The authors ensure the reproducibility of their results and provide a reproducibility checklist, as in the main track. In contrast to last year, a reproducibility reviewer will check the reproducibility.
  4. The authors provide a broader impact statement on ethical and societal implications, as in the main track.
  5. The paper was published within the last 24 months in a top-tier journal in machine learning or a related field.
  6. The paper was published in the journal under an open-access license (i.e., readers don’t have to pay or register in any form to read the paper).

In view of Conditions 5 and 6, we consider journals such as JMLR and JAIR as top-tier and open-access journals, such that AutoML papers recently published in these journals directly qualify for this track. For other top-tier journals, such as, e.g., IEEE TPAMI, AIJ or MLJ, papers only qualify if the open-access option was purchased. We note that open access has to be established by the time of submission.

As of this year, we also consider papers accepted at TMLR. In contrast to papers accepted at venues mentioned above, previously accepted TMLR papers will go through an additional review process by AutoML organizers. If they are found to meet the quality standard of AutoML they will receive an “AutoML certification“ at TMLR and qualify to be presented at the AutoML conference.

Presentation at the Conference

Authors of accepted papers have the chance to present their papers in a short video and in the poster presentation, exactly like authors of papers in the main track.


Submission: June 9, 2023

Notification: June 30, 2023


OpenReview (link)

Submissions will be handled via OpenReview like last year and consist of a link to the publicly accessible accepted journal paper, a broader impact statement and the submission checklist (subsuming last year’s reproducibility checklist).

Journal Track Chairs