AutoGluon v1.0: Shattering the AutoML Ceiling with Zero Lines of Code Organizers: Nick Erickson Oleksandr Shchur David Salinas
Open Source Vizier: Google’s Blackbox and Hyperparameter Optimization at Scale Organizers: Xingyou Song Qiuyi Zhang Sagi Perel
Apples and Apples: Experimentation with and Benchmarking of Hyperparameter Tuning Organizers: Matthias Seeger Jacek Golebiowski Matthias Poloczek David Salinas
A Tutorial on Meta-Reinforcement Learning Organizers: Jacob Beck Risto Vuorio Evan Z. Liu Zheng Xiong Luisa M. Zintgraf Chelsea Finn Shimon Whiteson
A Survey of Methods for Automated Algorithm Configuration Organizers: Marcel Wever Jasmin Brandt Viktor Bengs
Hands-on tutorial on the LLM-based Auto-Survey Competition Organizers: Isabelle Guyon Khuong Thanh Gia Hieu Benedictus Kent Rachmat Lisheng Sun-Hosoya